Student's Life (Boarding)

Student's Life (Boarding)

Boarding schools came into vogue to wean away the children from the sheltered upbringing of their home environment and enable them to face the challenges of life. They study, eat, play and live together. Children go home during the summer and puja holidays and we even allow these young ones to go home on weekends depending on the activities being conducted in the school. Boarding school students lead a more disciplined life as all the timings are set, be it classes, meals, entertainment, sports, etc. Everything is closely regulated. A disciplined life is important for our children as it will help them achieve their goal. All the students live in similar quarters and have access to only a certain allowance. All hostels have separate wardens to take care of them. There are special preparatory classes for these students which are monitored by subject teachers who aid and tutor them as and when required. We have a mentorship programme in place which allows the mentor to interact with their mentees assisting in mental, physical and emotional development including keeping an eye on their academics. Here, after classes, boarder students are exposed to a multitude of activities that will ensure a rounded education be it in academic or sports, arts, music etc. Children can pursue their passion without it hindering their academics as it is school mandated. These students make friends for life. They look back at their years in school as a time when lasting friendships were established. Along with this is the network of friends and acquaintances they build who know and care for them. Being surrounded by people who encourage and support them is something that only a boarding environment facilitates. The bond established during this period transcends all other relationships.

Student's Life (Day Scholars)

Pastoral care is the provision the school makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of your child. We pride ourselves in having a warm and safe environment, where care and thoughtful attitude is celebrated and acknowledged. All children are treated as individuals and encouraged to develop and learn at their own pace. We ensure high quality care and education, in a safe, well-equipped environment. This allows learning through a variety of activities and using a wide range of resources. Children feel relaxed, comfortable, valued and respected, there by ensuring that they feel free to express their opinion. We support students in developing self awareness, self-esteem and self confidence, hence, encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions and behaviour.

Our ethics and moral system helps to implement a strong anti bullying culture and all students acquire an understanding and respect for their own and other cultures and ways of life. It challenges all kinds of prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour. The most important persons for your children are our staff who are selected through rigrouous screening. They are dedicated and caring, with a wealth of experience. Our staff interact with the children by encouraging, facilitating and supporting them whilst they have fun and learn through positive activities. They share their enjoyment with others, all the whilst, steadily guiding the students decisively towards academia.